Tuesday 12 June 2012

Unique_Tricks: Eleven Fingers

Pre-requisites: Two hands with ten fingers which everyone has.

How to perform: If you say someone that you have eleven fingers then nobody is going to believe it. To make someone believe into this fact you have to prove that. Now using right forefinger to point with, start counting each finger of your one hand “One”, “two”, “Three”, “Four”, “five” and count the fingers of your right hand as “Six”, “Seven”, “Eight”, “Nine”, “Ten”.

Now Laugh a little bit and say I have eleven fingers. Let us try it again. Using your right hand this time count as “Ten” , “Nine”, , “Eight”, , “Seven”, “Six”. Then quickly show the left hand and say “Six ”+”Five”=”eleven”. Remember do this step very quickly without stopping. Hence you have proved that you have eleven finger instead of Ten with The Magically Magic.

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